Canadian Dental Research Institute

Entry updated on October 13, 2023

Who are we?


Integrating AI to Practice Based Research/Learning for healthcare professionals allowing for the integration of patient centric multi-disciplinary treatments and Evidence Based Outcomes thereby achieving an inclusive Tele-Health platform in Dental Medicine.

Products and services


Tele-Health: CDRI's Tele-Health Applications include the following unique innovation: "Accredited Digital Dental Prescription, ADDRx", an AI e-mobile solution which includes the following concepts and intellectual properties: - Patient Centric: Integrated Healthcare Cloud Services - AI Tools: Personalized care algorithms, precision care, data mining, decentralized machine learning, blockchains - Standardized Quality Control: Healthcare Service Workflows - Evidence Based: Practice Outcomes


AI Capacities


    Who are we?

    Products and services

    AI Capacities

    Canadian Dental Research Institute
