Centre en imagerie numérique et médias interactifs (CIMMI)
Entry updated on July 4, 2023
Who are we?
CIMMI is a technology transfer center specialized in the development of digital image processing technologies, virtual and augmented reality systems and Web and mobile applications.
Products and services
CIMMI can be your technology partner for projects (TRL 3 to 7) in : . Data processing . Modeling . Mixed reality . Sensors . Web and mobile systems
AI Capacities
Who are we?
CIMMI’s mission is to support Quebec and Canadian businesses and public institutions in their efforts to innovate, by proposing innovative software solutions in the fields of augmented and virtual reality, medical imaging, 2D and 3D image processing and Web technologies.
CIMMI is committed to becoming Quebec’s leading college centre for technology transfer for the strategic benefits it provides its clients. The Research Centre aims to steadily and significantly increase its reach, quality partnerships and national impact. CIMMI plans to maintain and even strengthen its reputation as a leader in imaging.
Elevator pitch
We help companies seeking high added value to align innovation strategy with corporate strategy in order to develop new technologies. We design the future with the user at the centre, using the best market knowledge, practices and technologies. CIMMI develops and transfers technology for gaining skills, competitive positioning and new markets, implementing new work practices, networking, and technical support. CIMMI is a research and development partner, from idea to marketplace.
Products and services
Expertise in AI: Strategy; Data Cleaning; Databases; Statistical Analysis; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Computer Vision. CIMMI could be your technology partner for projects (TRL 3 to 7) in: . Data processing: 2D, 3D, X-rays, quality control, databases, classification. . Modelling: 3D, pattern recognition, machine learning, deep learning, GPU programming, photogrammetry. . Mixed reality: virtual and augmented reality. . Sensors: Internet of things, signal processing. . Web and mobile systems: backend and frontend architecture, Web and mobile development, interface ergonomics, cloud computing, optimization. Regardless of sector: Health, Industry, Education, Transportation, Creation, Environment, Defence...
Why do business with us?
We are a not-for-profit public centre whose mission is to support innovation within Canadian organizations, in major cities and in the regions, by bridging the gap between research and society. Our work entitles you to the SR&ED tax credit. We provide access to private financing: LabMédia3D, Provincial: MEI, FRQ, MEES, RSRI, Federal: NSERC, NRC. Our intellectual property policy is very flexible. CIMMI has been around for over 10 years, with 250 projects and 160 clients. At the service of small, medium and large businesses, NPOs and institutions from the public or private sector. We reduce technological and financial risk. To allow you to explore new or non-existent ideas in Canada. We provide access to state-of-the-art equipment and expertise. CIMMI is a proud player in the innovation ecosystem and in Canada’s socioeconomic development. We harness all our R&D strength to create new synergies between research, business and society. We strive to put innovation at the service of the planet and human progress, through major research areas, such as the digital transformation, the energy and ecological transition, and medicine of the future.
AI Capacities
Organization size
10 to 49 employees
AI Organization size
4 employees
Research & technology transfer institutions